- May 9
- 2 min
- Jan 21
- 2 min
We're looking out for native flowers all year long. Dozens of native species are in bloom now and many may be good additions to your yard to support pollinators. Click through the slideshow to view.
Echinacea purpurea
Eutrochium maculatum
Monarda punctata
Echinacea purpurea
September 2024
Fall is a great time to clean out your attic and closets; and for dividing your crowded plants. Instead of sending unwanted items to the landfill, your neighbors might be interested what you have PLUS you can REDUCE REUSE AND RECYCLE! West Newbury Wild and Native will coordinate advertising, marketing, and create Town-wide map.
Sellers: You run the sale in your own backyard (registration $25) or at a table and 10x10 ft space in the Annex (registration $30) and keep all profits. WN2 is providing digital and printed advertising for the event and will deliver a day of event yard sign for each vendor location. Please sign up here and pay the registration fee at Gulf of Maine Institute by September 19. Type $25 or $30 in Custom Amount, and type 'WN2 Yard Sale' in Comments.
Buyers: More details regarding yard sale locations, items for sale and forms of payment will be available by September 26. Check our website for a treasure map to all sale locations and paper maps will be be available in the Town Office Lobby and Food Mart.
September 2024
Twice a year, birds fly hundreds to thousands of miles between wintering and breeding grounds. When birds migrate, they mainly fly at night, navigating by the stars in the night sky. Improperly installed night lights disorient migrating birds, causing them to veer off-course or collide with building. You can help migrating birds by doing a few simple things:
Turn off outside lights during migration (April, May, Sept, October).
Use down shields to direct light to avoid lighting up the sky and to reduce glare.
Look for light bulbs that are 2,700 kelvin or less (warm lights)
To learn more about how you can help birds, visit: Lights Outs. This NY Times article opinion provides further tips,
To learn more about why Dark Skies and how you can help,
visit our Dark Skies Campaign
watch a recording of Madelyn Kaplin's presentation on Importance of Dark Skies.
listen to Morning Show with Mary Jacobson, Madelyn and Nancy Pau.
October 2023
This fall, instead of raking and baggings leaves for the landfill, consider leaving the leaves. Raked under trees, shrubs, and onto garden beds, leaves are free mulch to suppress weeds, keep your soil moist and will fertilize your plants as it breaks down next year. Many wildlife including insects, frogs, and mammals overwinter in fallen leaves. Leaves also support micro-organisms in the soil to keep plant healthy and disease free. Check out this guide from the Xeces Society on creating overwintering and nesting habitat for pollinators.
Order your Leave the Leaves yard sign to inspire your community to do the same. Designed exclusively for West Newbury Wild and Native by local artist Jenn House, the sign features a small array of native MA invertebrates that rely on leaf cover, stick, stems, and seed heads to overwinter. Species featured include Compton tortoiseshell butterfly, firefly, clouded sulphur caterpillar, spring azure, mourning cloak butterfly and caterpillar, lunar moth and caterpillar, and native bees.
Thank you for all the sellers and buyers that made the first Town-wide yard and garden sale a huge success. We had 20 sellers and well over 100 shoppers. It was perfect weather to seek needed items and explore hidden treasures while meeting new folks and catching up with friends and neighbors. Thanks to all who shopped local, recycled, reused, and supported native plants and biodiversity!
This event raised $500 which will fund the maintenance and expansion of the Native Demonstration Gardens around Town: Pipestave, Memorial Library, Cherry Hill Reservoir, and Town Hall. Come check them out and join us to maintain the garden and learn about native garden plants.
March 2023
Every spring, salamanders and frogs clamor out of their underground hibernacula and make their way back to shallow depressions in the forest that fill with rain and snowmelt. These vernal or temporary ponds serve as breeding habitat for many species and are vital to their survival. Unfortunately, many frogs and salamander have to cross roads to get there. So, on rainy nights from March to May, where temperatures are above 40F, be careful when driving roads where wetlands to avoid running over these critters. Want to help us figure out where the frogs and salamanders are? Help us map them using iNatualist here.
May 2022
At the Annual Town Meeting, Select Woman Wendy Reed announced this year’s Citizen of the Year award winner was West Newbury Wild and Native. She recognized WN2's efforts to preserving the natural ecosystem of the planet one yard at a time, and the accomplishments the group made since it formed less than two years ago.
West Newbury Wild and Native is dedicated to sharing information and resources for residents of West Newbury to integrate native plants into their gardening, support pollinators and work to eradicate invasive plants in our yards and Town-owned lands.